Your dealings with elv smart means that you agree to the respective business policies

Shipping and delivery policy

• The device is installed and equipped within 5 to 45 working days of receiving the amount, and financial transfers are confirmed within 48 hours.

• elv smart is not responsible for the devices after they are delivered to the shipping company, whether for shipment delays or damages
• elv smart is not responsible for damage to the shipment or device caused by shipping, and the customer must check the shipment before signing for receipt and not receive it if it is damaged.
• If the customer discovers any damage to the shipment after receiving it, he can file a compensation claim against the shipping company and not elv smart, provided that this is within 24 hours according to the carrier company’s policy.
• All parts sent to our customers are sealed in factory packaging and confirmed through permanent inspection by the department responsible for shipping.

technical support policy

• Provides technical support via WhatsApp.
• The technical support team on the site will direct the customer to the correct procedure

Documents and invoices policy:

• The invoice is sent via email unless the customer requests otherwise (please make sure to enter the email correctly so that the invoice will be sent after confirming the order). In the event of ordering from a representative, please provide the seller with the correct email and data to send the invoice.
• All correspondence and communications with elv smart are issued on official papers.
• No copy of printed invoices is kept.

Shipping, delivery, and damage resulting from shipping policy

• elv smart is not responsible for breakage resulting from the shipping company, and therefore the customer must file a complaint with the carrier company.
• The device is fully prepared, tested and operated before sending it to the customer


Pricing, payment and order cancellation policy

• We are not bound by any expired price offer (advertisement), whether the quantity or the offer date has ended
• elv smart provides multiple means of payment, electronic methods via the website or bank transfer to one of the approved accounts
• No invoice will be approved unless the customer completes the value of the invoice. The deposit system cannot be used except for special cases.
• The device will not be returned after receiving it
• The customer will be returned within 7 working days

Important alerts:

1- The device must be wrapped in its original carton and ensure good packaging
2- We are not responsible for poor packaging or damage to the device due to shipping, God forbid.
3- If the item was damaged in shipping (broken), we will notify the customer directly to file a claim against the shipping company
4- The warranty does not include any broken piece.
5- These notes may result in a delay in receiving and delivering the device to you